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Coaching creates the balance of support and challenge that advances work farther, faster.

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Life coaching

Better conversations make for better business results.

Many leaders underestimate the importance of coaching in fostering the development, growth, and performance of others. Equipping leaders with the skills to coach their team members effectively is paramount and this requires going beyond mere management to boost productivity, cultivate trust and autonomy, and drive improved bottom-line results.

The Benefits of Coaching

Coaching helps us connect, align, and drive accountability. When we coach we honor the capability of others to own their work, their solutions, and their follow-through. While there are times to direct, all-to-often we miss out on times to coach and the immense benefits that comes with developing coaching skills and a coaching culture.​​


Increased Productivity


Less Roadblocks


Stronger Relationships

Business Meeting


Greater Ownership


Decreased Turnover


Increased Engagement

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Addressing the Need

Mindset, Skillset, Toolset

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Develop a coaching culture and you will see the incredible impact it has on creating a mindset where people assume positive intent, work to nurture one another through support and challenge, and create an environment that fosters greater levels of trust, autonomy, and belonging. At Bolster Leadership we believe a coaching mindset is the necessary underpinning to any leadership development program.

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Coaching is about creating more supportive conversations in the workplace. The primary tool we use is our own coaching FLOW framework: 


FOCUS - where do we need to focus?

LEARN - what is happening and what do we want instead?

OPTIONS - what could be?

WHAT NEXT - what will be?


We are constantly experimenting with the latest and greatest gen AI coaching tools and while these can be very effective, the pro-social pressure and commitment that comes with human-to-human interactions is invaluable.

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  • Presence

  • Listening

  • Asking powerful questions

  • Curiosity and perspective-taking

  • Candor with care

  • Accountability

  • Contracting


These skills underpin our ability to hold more effective coaching conversations.

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Ready, get set...

Have a specific coaching need?
We customize our solutions to adapt to your most pressing needs.

Leaders as Coaches

Coaching Skills

Coaching 1:1

Team Coaching

Coaching Culture

Peak Performance

"Lisa provided a very interactive session to the John Deere community of coaches...Great modality in providing not only a fun message, but being sensitive to the adult learning principles for each audience target group."

Leadership Development Manager, John Deere

Bolstering Your Coaching

We know your needs are unique and we can't wait to hear from you! Take the next step and have a conversation with us.

Related to Everyday Conversations

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